You can click "export debug report" to get the log file, or just make screenshot on the log view.
Before posting the log there, you can delete or hide sensitive data in it if you want.
would have never guessed that log is identical to debug report, but hey .... here it is,
it covers the last two start-ups of Joplin on my Android device. The other 600kb of endless messages have been erased.
syncReport-1682801469899.txt (16.5 KB)
I also need the the time you lauched the app and the time the blank screen is gone. Then I can match it with the time in the log.
Ups, sorry. Okay this new debug file has been created right after the (slow) start of Joplin.
Joplin was started at 09:20 hours CEST, on May 1.
syncReport-1682925670195 copy.txt (267.5 KB)
Does the blank screen stay for about 35 seconds? or more than 305 seconds?
The log shows it's something before KeychainService: checking if keychain supported
takes the time.
05-01T09:20:50,30,"""KeychainService: check was already done - skipping. Supported:", "0""
05-01T09:20:24,30,"e2ee/utils: ""Trying to load 1 master keys...""
I just skimmed the code and found nothing skeptical. Have you ever tried re-installing the Joplin? It seems like you have enabled the sync, so you won't lose your data.
Yes, of course, that was a typo, the blank screen stays on for 35 secs.
I think I tried reinstalling Joplin before opening this thread, but I will try again ....right now.
And the result is
exactly the same as before: 35 secs.
But something is strange. My notes only contain text, no pics or attachments. And right after reinstallation the first time I started Joplin (before I entered the sync target and password) Joplin started within 3-4 secs. Next I performed the sync which worked flawlessly, and next time I started Joplin ... 35 secs again. I really wonder how a total of 50 simple text notes can cause a problem to Joplin, which is used to handle much more date. AND how can this happen offline, when no sync is on its way ?
I guess resetting the E2EE might help?
Noops, it doesn;t ;(
So strange.
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