Aaaaaannnnnddd as mentioned before there are upstream bugs now and then, even though that I doubt they would fix the initial memory requirements. It's a different story though when you use an Electron app for 5 days and it uses 7 GBs.
10.1.3 Fixed resource leak in worker threads. 10.1.4 Fixed memory leak when creating "Services" menu. 10.1.5 Fixed memory leak on macOS when using dialog.showMessageBox API 10.3.0 Fixed a memory leak in desktopCapturer.getSources 10.4.0: Fixed memory leak when sending non-primitives over the context bridge
I also find it shockingly ram consuming. Right now it is 685 MB but, I leave the computer on at night, and by morning when I return to the office, not having used it, it is likely to be over 1.5 TB. Windows 10 version 20H2. It remains in the taskbar and I'm likely either at night or in the morning before work to work a bit on my tablet and sync. I've taken to quitting the program every morning and thus regaining about 1 TB of ram. This is simply not right.
I'm not saying it is Joplin's fault, but there seems to be a memory leak.
Ha, in my case Discourse was using the most when I searched "Joplin" in Activity Monitor. I am guessing all the "Joplin Helper (Renderer)"'s are because of the plugins? I know in Atom when you add a plugin it lists something like "Adds 3 seconds to startup". I don't find Joplin slow, so it's not an issue for me, but I wonder if someone installing a ton of plugins will start to complain "Joplin is slow" when it isn't a core app issue. Might be worth keeping an eye on.
As @uxamanda notes, the plugins do add up. In my case, Joplin uses a small fraction of the RAM Brave browser (also Chromium based) uses. Note old Evernote Legacy (non-Electron/Chromium app) and it's tiny relative memory usage (this of course won't be the case for new Evernote, which is another Electron/Chromium app, hence similar complaints re: RAM on the Evernote forum).
There's plenty of people using low-spec Linux devices who don't have too much RAM to spare. The ability to effectively use low-spec and old hardware used to be advertised as one of the main strong points of Linux.
Even most entry and mid level modern laptops run on 8Gb RAM. With a browser and a note taker being two key applications that users are likely to run most of the time, we're looking at 15-20% of available memory consumed by just these two processes.
I'm finding that also the case. I just got a new computer and only installed 1 plugin - Simple backup. Now, in the morning when I come into work Joplin is using 200-300 mb. With 3 or 4 plugins it was 1.7 to 2.2 GB, so essentially 3 times as much. Both computers were Windows 10 version 20H2. Both were I-5 Intel chips, so it appears the most likely culprit is plugins. Also, they aren't returning memory.
It would be nice (feature request), if we had a command to examine memory usage like web browsers do to allow us to see the memory usage of each plugin.
my win10 system has Joplin running full time (haven't restarted it in days). I have 20 plugins enabled. my RAM usage is a tad over 850mb. i'm starting to think maybe it's specific to combinations of plugins maybe? no idea...