Joplin app memory usage

Here's joplin info:

Joplin 1.3.18 (prod, win32)
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 34
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: 6b75485a1 (master)

OS Windows 8.1 x64

I accidentally stumbled upon memory usage. Is it OK? How can I make it use less RAM? Frankly I do have a lot of notes, but 960MB memory?

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Mine was using 1.5 GB yesterday.

For info - here 0.5 GB approx in 4 threads, 1000 notes, Win 7 64bits.

I've noticed an increase in memory usage when 1.1 (or maybe 1.2) was released.

Hello everyone. Here to report that Joplin I had running on my computer for 180 hours straight consumed around 8 to 13 GB of RAM. Sorry, I haven't saved screenshots, but this time I will.

Currently, it sits on around 800 megabytes of ram altogether.

And btw, if this is important: Joplin 2.3.5, and OS is Manjaro 21.1.6.