Joplin Cloud Not Syncing

My Joplin Version: Joplin 2.10.17 (prod, linux)

Client ID: 9300514ef1b746e2991ee29220f08779
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 42
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 23d492f79

Syncing with: Joplin Cloud.

The operating system i'm using: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

i am unable to sync with my mobiles and work laptops for the past few days.


Hello, Joplin Cloud seems to be running fine at the moment. Do you have any error in the log? How to enable debugging | Joplin

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how do i check for errors?

i see this above my synchronize tab

Updated remote items: 2.
Completed: 2023/05/15 20:13 (37s)
Last error: Error: insert into "items" ("content_size", "content_storage_id", "created_time", "id", "jop_share_id", "mime_type", "name", "owner_id", "updated_time") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) - duplicate key value violates unique constraint "items_name_owner_id_unique"

Ok thank you, I will check asap and let you know when it's fixed

Hello, would you mind trying this version to see if it fixes the issue?

I expect it will skip the resource that it cannot upload to Joplin Cloud, thus allowing sync to resume. The resource that won't be uploaded should not be an issue because a duplicate of it is already on Joplin Cloud.

Next I will find some way to better handle these duplicate resources but in the meantime should now be able to sync

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i do not know how to go about it.

How do you normally install the app? If it's with the install script, you need to run it again with the option --prerelease

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