Joplin and Hacktobertfest 2018 🎃

Hi, this event allow you to contribute to Joplin and, at the end of the month, after having done 5 PR, you'll earn a limited edition T-shirt.

To participate go on log in (with you github account) and you are ready to get in

Next, go dive into the Joplin issues list labelled “Hacktoberfest”

We hope you will enjoy that event by contributing to the project which is a nice moment of sharing good vibe :jack_o_lantern: :tada:

PS: the 5 Pull Request don't have to be done only on Joplin project, those can be done on any FOSS projects.


I’ve now added the announcement to the Readme and added a few Hacktoberfest tags.

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Hacktoberfest has now ended - many thanks to all those who have contributed. Some of the pull requests are not merged yet but they will be soon. For information, this is the number of pull requests per month on the project, so there was approximately a 30% increase in October:

Oct - 26
Sep - 20
Aug - 8
Jul - 3
Jun - 4
May - 18

Again many thanks to all those who have submitted a pull request, your efforts to improve the project are much appreciated!


Great work !