Is there a way to identify the notebook for a particular note, from the search result set?

I perform a search for a keyword and am returned a list of Notes which contain that word. It is nice to be able to review each of those Notes in one place, within the context of other similar notes. Not all of my notes have been properly tagged, thus my keyword search.

I collect many similar notes into a notebook so that they can be handled together as a project. When I am looking at all the notes in particular notebook, I can drag and drop those notes into other folders.

Is there a way to identify the notebook for a particular note, from the search result set?

When I am looking at all the notes resulting from a keyword search, that notebook which I already have created, has to expanded and open, in order for me to be able to drag a note into it. I can’t identify which relevant notebook should be the recipient of my dragged note without leaving the search results.

Thanks for your help.

click on it and it will select the folder (and expand the tree, if it’s a sub-notebook).

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