Normally I don't have Joplin running in the background. When I find something interesting on the web to clip, I click on the web clipper. There are a number of reasons why I don't want it automatically start with windows, primarily because I don't take notes all the time, hence don't need it to be always-on.
The current behaviour now is that the web clipper is just "waiting to connect" to Joplin.
Is there a way to automatically launch Joplin desktop app when webclipper is actively trying to connect?
I don't think it's possible to launch a program from a browser plugin. The only workaround I can think of is have the plugin trigger a Joplin external link - this should start the app (except I think on MacOS where it wasn't working for some reason)
Awww... dang... I was kinda hoping there was a way to do it. For example, if you're using the web clipping function of OneNote, it does "launch" OneNote when u click it, and OneNote need not have been launched before that.
Thank you for the response. I shall have to continue to manually launch Joplin the next time I wanna clip something on the web.