Is is possible to avoid formatting in Markdown Editing

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Joplin version



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

When I write Markdown text and use the formatting for headlines, bold and italic, it changes inside the editor.
Both the Markdown and the Rich Text Editor have some kind of formatting that's not consistent.

It it possible to completely turn off formatting so I can just concentrate of writing markdown code for the notes?
Different spacing and line width jumping around while typing make editing very confusing, when you're used to write just Markdown in other software.

Below a screenshot on how my editor window looks.

I'd prefer to see everything in one font size and not have any specific style applied.


While it's possible, it currently requires custom CSS to remove formatting.

For example,

/* Unstyle headers */
.cm-editor .cm-headerLine {
  font-size: inherit;
  font-weight: inherit;

/* Unstyle bold */
.cm-editor .tok-strong {
  font-weight: inherit;

/* Unstyle italic */
.cm-editor .tok-emphasis {
  font-style: inherit;

/* Unstyle links */
.cm-editor .tok-link {
  color: inherit;
  opacity: inherit;

/* Unfade URLs */
.cm-editor .tok-link.tok-url {
  opacity: inherit;

/* Unstyle code blocks and inline code */
.cm-editor .cm-inlineCode {
  background-color: unset;
  border: unset;
  /* Makes code blocks use the same font as other content */
  font-family: inherit;

Thanks, this sounds a bit hacky, but I tried it.

Alas it does not work for me.

After adding your code to userchrome.css the markdown editor windows behaviour didn't change for me. It still applies the formatting from markdown to the text in the markdown editor (which should not have any formatting at all)

I tried restarting Joplin after the change and verified that the userchrome.css now has this content.

It worked for me.

Was there any other css in the file before you added the above?

How did you restart Joplin? Did you actually fully quit the program (File > Quit) or did you use the "X" on the title bar?

Revisiting this today and it seems I changed the wrong of the two style files.
Changing the other fixed the problem.

Thanks for the help.

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