Incorrect attachments when importing from Evernote

  • Joplin 1.0.227 (prod, darwin)
  • macOS Catalina 10.15.5

I recently imported about 2200 notes from Evernote over to Joplin using the Mac Client.

I noticed that if a note has multiple attachments, the order of the attachments is wrong. For example:

There are 4 attachments in the following order in Evernote:

  • 1.pdf
  • 2.pdf
  • 3.pdf
  • 4.pdf

When imported in Joplin, the order becomes the following:

  • 2.pdf (opens 1.pdf)
  • 4.pdf (opens 2.pdf)
  • 3.pdf (opens 4.pdf)
  • 1.pdf (opens 3.pdf)

There can be various permutations and combinations of the above - basically it never opens the correct attachment.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Could you post an ENEX file that shows the issue?

Sure. Here it is: Testing.enex (60.8 KB)

Evernote Screenshot

Joplin Imported Screenshot


If you click on test2.pdf in the Joplin version, it’s actually test1.pdf

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