Improve the "URI malformed" import dialog

Recently, there were two import issues that yielded the "URI malformed" dialog when importing Markdown files:

  1. Synology Note Station nsx to MD issues (Table is too complex, URI malformed etc) · Issue #27 · marph91/jimmy · GitHub
  2. Jimmy: A Joplin Import Tool - #14 by Fulltimehuman

I was able to reproduce the former case, by reducing a large import file by file. Here is a minimal example:

  1. Download (80 Bytes)
  2. Import by File -> Import -> MD - Markdown (File)

In developer console and log are no related messages.


  • Could the dialog be extended by the affected file and link? This would make debugging much easier.
  • Or even one step further: Do we need a dialog jumping at the user, since the file is imported anyway? Wouldn't it be sufficient to just add a log message?

I'm linking to the relevant GitHub issue:

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I think the URI Error is not quite useful and we can ignore it. It is generated when decoding the URIs in the markdown file with decodeURI() and trying to parsing the resource link. If a link cannot be decoded, it should be kept as the original one.

Here is the fix:

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I can confirm that the issue is fixed in release 3.2.9. Thanks!

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