I had the same issue as this https://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/import-of-md-fails-in-case-of-blank-space-in-attachment-links/40182.
So I wrote some python scripts to help with this. They are documented in the github readme but in summary they are.
- Replace all spaces in image files with underscores so Joplin can import them correctly. This will work with all file types but designed for images. Renames the files in the current directory and all instances they are mentioned within the markdown files.
- Flatten a directory of notes so there is no directory structure. Useful if you want to try and use zettelkasten style of note taking.
- Tag the notes based on the directory structure before they were flattened.
- Import notes that are not markdown files, eg: xml. Any non markdown file will be wrapped in a code block in the new note.
- Delete all tags.
Hopefully others find these useful. Definitely helped me transfer all my notes from Trilium to Joplin.