Import of MD fails in case of blank space in attachment links

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, darwin)

Sync target



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I tried to import a huge package of existing markdown documents that created mainly by using Typora.

I added in the past links to external files like PDF documents, m4a-files, xls sheets, .msg files, etc. The folder structure in the past was depending on the creation date to avoid huge amount of files in a single folder. So I had sub-folders like 2024, 2023, 2022, ... Finally, the link to a file was looking like: [link to file](2022/this is an example.xlsx)

The problem:
It seems that the Joplin folder-import of Markdown documents fails, if the filename or the folder structure contains blank spaces.

Successful import in case of [this is a link](2024/this-is-a-succesful-import.pdf)
Failure in case of [unsuccessful example for an import](2024/this is not working.pdf)

Furthermore: I was not yet able to find out, if linked files above the initial folder is working. Example [link to file](../folder-above/this is an example.jpg). Also here I am not sure, if a blank space in the folder AND / OR filename causes a mistake in the import.

Thanks a lot!

Any ideas how to fix that? I have hundreds of md-files with hundreds or thousands of external files that are linked....

I have the same problem. Joplin will not properly import images if there are spaces in the path name.

I have several thousand notes exported from Onenote as markdown directories. Almost all have images, many have other attachments.

I can import them if I manually replace the spaces with underscores. But this is not realistic when dealing with bulk import. Also, the resulting note names will all have underscores in them.

This is unfortunate.

BTW I see you’re on Mac. I have the same problem on Windows. So it doesn’t seem to be driven by OS limitations.