I just upgraded to 1.0.307. Similar results but I have an update:
I just found this post where the user describes a large note was causing a similar problem: Synchronization error on Android
I found one large note that was a webpage, around 300kb. I deleted it and I got a little further. I am now on:
3519 / 3725 under Encryption Config
So I got another 8 notes according to the Encryption Config however it looks like it actually decrypted more than 8. It didn’t decrypt all of them however and I still get the same error message in the log I guess it is still choking on something.
I downloaded DB Browser for SQLite and I am looking for other large notes. Do you know what the limit is for each note in terms of lines, characters or mb?
Also, I found a few discussions here about a similar error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51959944/sqliteblobtoobigexception-row-too-big-to-fit-into-cursorwindow-requiredpos-0-t
Does Joplin store any blob data in the database or are all attachments just links to the resource folder?
Any other suggestions on what I can look for to fix this issue and sync the data? Am I on the right track or are there other things I could be looking for?