Dear Joplinners,
Early 2021 I made the switch from evernote to Joplin, and I really like Joplin. Joplin is almost the only software where I make donations to express my liking.
So far I used syncing via the cloud (a Nextcloud variant for Dutch academics: surfdrive) to my satisfaction. However, since a few weeks syncing has become problematic. It turns out I'm affected by the notorious FileLock bug in Nextcloud (HELP needed: Sync Target upgrade error). Since I have no admin access to the cloud provider, I am out of luck with patching, tweaking or otherwise dealing with this.
So: I'm looking for another way to sync. Essentially I need synchronisation between Joplin on my laptop (Win11) and phone (Android). Ideally also to other clients (mostly running linux). In Joplin I have E2EE set, of course.
What is a robust way of doing this? Alternatives I consider are:
1/ SyncThing directly between phone and laptop as I have already set up basic syncing of two folders on laptop and phone
2/ SyncThing to a "central node" for instance a self administrated raspberry pi.
3/ Surfdrive (based on nextcloud), as I used to have.
4/ Set up and manage my own Nextcloud and patch it sufficiently
5/ Set up and manage own Joplin Server.
6/ Subscribe to Joplin Cloud.
Others like onedrive and google drive maybe possible, but I love to keep things in Europe and under my own control.
Thoughts and considerations I have for the various options:
For 1/: Syncthing seems to be fast and easy to manage.
Disadvantage is that only two clients are syncing. Also, I just read this post about upcoming limitations for SyncThing in Android (Android 10/Q and Syncthing Future)
For 2/: Theoretically that would allow syncing from the various clients to this central node, and hence behave similar to the set-up I used to have via the surfdrive cloud.
I'm a little worried about exposing this R-Pi to the world, and what happens if this central node for one reason or another goes down or becomes corrupt.
For 3/: In fact this is my preferred scenario. But what to do to avoid problems with the FileLock bug? This has already cost me quite some time re-setting things up etc. It sometimes worked, but adding another client or other actions result in the problem showing up again. At this moment it looks unreliable to me.
For 4/: While I have some computer experience and linux skills, I am unsure about doing this in a safe and secure way. On the other hand, when I manage to do this, this private cloud can be used by several people in my household, of course.
The tutorial on Build Your Own Raspberry Pi Cloud Server With Nextcloud looks doable.
Will the FileLock bug affect me nevertheless?
For 5/: Similar considerations as with 4/. But it seems a bit more difficult even and less versatile in use. I have no experience with docker and so on.
For 6/: that would cost a few euros a year. Basic version is not enough, the Pro option is a bit more expensive than what I used to spend on my evernote subscription.
Please let me hear your advices and additional considerations.