I'm using joplin on windows, here is version info:
Joplin 2.8.8 (dev, win32)
Client ID: c94c7cd812b94b27a890e7530ef9de72
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: c2a6a13
I've written a journal plugin, and all my notes name are in the format of 'yyyy-mm-dd', before I try to create a new note, I would try to search whether a note with the same title already exists.
In my code I use let notes = await joplin.data.get(["search"], {query:
title:${noteName}, type: "note"});
I also tried in search box:
pattern: title:2022-10-10
But unfortunately, the tile contains the character of dash '-', it seems has spectial meaning as the search pattern.
I also tried pattern: title:"2022-10-10"
, title:/"2022-10-10"
, but all in vain.
So what is the correct syntax for my searching?