Help to wipe my Joplin Cloud

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?

Could you help me to wipe my overwhelmed Cloud account?
Advice about using Victor plugin doesn't work as Joplin app requires re-login instantly.

@laurent , can you just clean it from the server side, please?

Hello,you need to do this:

  • Create a new profile in Joplin
  • Sync
  • Wait for sync to complete
  • Run victor
  • Sync
  • Wait for sync to complete

@laurent , thank you for answer

Unfortunately, this recipe (I saw it in other questions) doesn't work in my case.

  1. I created new empty profile
  2. Configured sync to Joplin Cloud and encryption password
  3. Started sync
  4. Joplin showed message to login into Joplin Cloud again
  5. I entered the credentials again (and tried the button that checks them)
  6. Joplin tried to sync and showed the login message again
  7. Repeats the same

My Joplin Cloud was corrupted and overwhelmed when I tied to sync Joplin in my spare notebook which I've not been using for several months (it duplicated notes and attachments).

I don't know how I can clean my Joplin Cloud.
Now I'm in process of uploading my data to Dropbox. It works slower than Joplin Cloud, but it works. If I can, I'd prefer to stay with Joplin Cloud.

I expected to have a data clean feature in Joplin Cloud web interface as any other cloud services usually have, but nothing is provided.

Is it possible to drop my data on the server?

No unfortunately we only support the above method. But in your above description I don't see what the issue is. Just sync, delete and sync again? Or if you have a specific error message that shows up please share it here

I successfully switched to using Dropbox and cancelled my Joplin Cloud subscription.