I'll be posting the weekly updates on my project in this topic.
Week 1 (June 7 - June 13)
- Expose the prompt used by Joplin Desktop App so it can be used by plugins. (Desktop: Expose prompt to plugins as a command by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #5058 ยท laurent22/joplin ยท GitHub)
- Initialize plugin using generator framework
- Setup lint, build CI checks.
- Very basic implementation of a special notebook for templates.
Points to note
- I decided to go with using a special notebook for templates as per the poll results here (Opinion on the templates should be organized - #3 by nishantwrp).
Week 2 (June 14 - June 20)
- Integrated the Joplin prompt with the template plugin to get user selection of templates.
- Built basic createTodoFromTemplate, insertTemplate, createNoteFromTemplate features.
Week 3 (June 21 - June 27)
- Made the PR for removing template feature when the plugin is complete (Dekstop: Refactor: Remove templates feature by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #5115 ยท laurent22/joplin ยท GitHub)
- Worked on the default templates feature in the plugin. (Default templates feature by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #2 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
Points to note
- It has been decided that we'll be using templates notebook to store the templates. But the templates can be created in other notebooks too using a tag.
- We've almost finalised the way we'll be handling transition of users for the native feature to the plugin.
Week 4 (June 28 - July 4)
- Completed the default templates feature in the plugin. (Default templates feature by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #2 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
Week 5 (June 5 - July 11)
- Integrated handlebars with the plugin and made all the current templates compatible with the plugin. (Parser: Handlebars integration by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #3 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
- Added a banner in the main app that prompts users to install templates plugin. (Desktop: Add a banner asking users to install templates plugin by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #5164 ยท laurent22/joplin ยท GitHub)
Misc PRs
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Week 6 (June 12 - July 18)
- Work on adding support for template variables. (Add support for template variables by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #5 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
Week 7 (July 19 - July 25)
- Adding support for template variables. (Add support for template variables by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #5 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub )
Plan for this week
- Support creating templates in other notebooks using a tag.
- Load existing templates for users making a switch from native feature to this plugin.
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Week 8 (July 26 - Aug 1)
- Support for creating templates from tags only. (Support creating templates only using tags by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #11 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
- Loading previous templates (Automatically load previous templates by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #13 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
Points to note
- There was a lot of discussion on the way templates are stored. And there's a major change in that. Please refer Changing the way templates will be stored.
- Mostly probably, I'll be able to make a release by the end of upcoming week
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Week 9 (Aug 2 - Aug 8)
- Update documentation (Documentation updates by nishantwrp ยท Pull Request #14 ยท joplin/plugin-templates ยท GitHub)
- Released the first version of the plugin
Points to note
- The first ready-to-use version of the plugin was released this week. Take a look at the release post.
Plans for this week
- As upcoming week is the last week before the final submission in Google Summer of Code, I'll be working on the final blog report.
- Work on adding some unit tests.
- Work on feature requests by the community.
Although, the upcoming week is the last week of the official GSoC coding period, I plan to actively maintain the plugin even after the coding period ends
Week 10 (Aug 9 - Aug 15)
This week, I mainly improved on improving the plugin, writing some unit tests, fixing bugs, spec for specifying the title and tags in the template, etc.
Plugin Changelog since first release (1.0.0)
1.1.3 (2021-08-14)
Bug Fixes
1.1.2 (2021-08-12)
Bug Fixes
- display sorted templates in the selector (3f9a35c), closes #24
- template-variables: log the necessary info if variables form is unable to load (74d1124)
1.1.1 (2021-08-11)
Bug Fixes
- release: add scripts to sync version with manifest.json (f849fe6)
- version: update the version in manifest (d5635f1)
1.1.0 (2021-08-11)
Bug Fixes
- don't create provisional notes/todos while using templates (3399aea)
- legacy-templates: improve the readme note (#19) (7215777)
- parser: display error message when template can't be parsed (7dfcdf2), closes #15
As this was the last week of the official Google Summer of Code coding period, I'll not be adding posts about further work on this topic but instead I'll be using this topic to inform about the further releases of the plugin. If you face any issues or have feature requests you can use Github Issues for that purpose. Thanks!