They took it down yesterday because the code makes use a feature they suddenly don’t like. It’s been in there since the very first version, and the add-on has been through multiple automated and manual reviews, and it was fine, so suddenly taking it off makes no sense. Also they did this with no warning at all, leaving us no time to fix the issue and resubmit.
That’s pretty bad of Mozilla to be honest - not cool towards developers who after all drive some users to their browsers, and not nice to the users either, who now can’t download the clipper anymore. Google has a bad reputation but in fact they’ve been much more professional - they do automated reviews, and either it passes or not, but they don’t kill add-ons out of the blue like Mozilla did.
Moreoever they aren’t particularly careful in their manual reviews. We told them many times how to build the extension but they got it wrong again. They ran the right command but from the wrong directory, so that doesn’t make things any easier.
And indeed I’ve also noticed they tag the extension as “not recommended” and not sure what to do to change this. To be fair, they also tag the Evernote clipper as “not recommended” too, so I guess that’s normal in the Firefox add-on store.