I’ve been using another note taking app until just recently but since I’ve learnt of the existence of Joplin I decided to switch for copious obvious reasons. One feature in the app I used previously was the ability to move list items up and down freely. I imagine this can be made possible in the viewer (probably slightly more difficult for sorted lists than for unsorted ones) and it would save a hell of a lot of time otherwise spent on cut/paste stunts in the editor. It’d be awesome if this could be implemented.
That’d be super useful along with setting notebook hierarchy and whatnot
In the editor I believe ALT
+ Up Arrow
/ Down Arrow
will do that. It moves the entire line so it will work for lists, ordered lists, table rows etc.
See this post (Paragrah Editing Section)
Oh! That’s brilliant, @dpoulton. I didn’t know this but I just tried it successfully.
In my original post I was thinking of an implementation on phones and tablets and I guess on these devices it would make more sense to implement it in the viewer rather than the editor. But I don’t have much experience designing a UI.
At the moment with Joplin the viewer is pretty much only that, a viewer. There is a lot work in hand on the desktop version to allow WYSIWYG editing in the viewer but it's in its very early stages. I am not a dev so even if this is successful I don't know whether it could be applied to mobile. TBH I avoid editing on mobile basically because it is so bloody awkward!! It's not just editing in Joplin, it's editing in anything on mobile
Is there any way we can have this feature in the Rich Text editor? That would make it really convenient to manage (nested) lists and to-do lists!
(Should I open an issue for such feature requests?)
It's quite long ago - so is there any solution for the mobile app?