External editor opened in background

OS: macOS

I wanted to try out the Typora editor, and I got it working by adding /Applications/Typora.app/Contents/MacOS/Typora to the “Text editor command” field in Preferences.

I only have one small problem: Typora is opened with the correct note, but it stays in the background, so I always have to switch to it manually.

A couple of things I’ve tried:

  • the default editor is TextWrangler and that is brought to foreground
  • from reading the FAQs, I tried using open -a /Applications/Typora.app/Contents/MacOS/Typora, but it crashes

I appreciate it could be a macOS quirk, but the fact that TextWrangler works led me to think I might be missing something.

PS just switched over from Standard Notes + Evernote, this project is fabulous!

Does it work if you simply add /Applications/Typora.app as a path? Normally Joplin supports .app packages directly.

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Brilliant! It does!
Thanks so much!