Joplin 1.0.231
Windows 10 1909 64 bit
I have been doing exports to .JEX every few weeks as a backup of my notes. It occurred to me, since I have 2 notebooks; is this exporting ALL my notes?
Will simply choosing EXPORT off the Joplin menu export both Notebooks?
Or do I have to highlight which notebook I want exported and do one at a time?
I know when I switched to Joplin from E I had to export one notebook at a time in order to import it into J. I just wanted to make sure I am getting all my notes.
Goofy question. if I export my notes to a .JEX when encryption is enabled, does it also encrypt the .JEX as well? I suspect not but just want to make sure I understand.
I figured out the same thing as well. I enabled encryption, but also had the exported notes right there in the same cloud drive as the sync folder. So, fat lot of good that did. I guess I’ll remove it, then use 7Zip to encrypt a 7Z file that holds it.
So, next question, and I’ll submit a post on this too.
Is the sync stuff encrypted? My guess is YES, because you have to resync after enabling encryption. I make it a ponit to NOT keep vital stuff in a note program and use other secure methods for vital data, but there is still some stuff I don’t want available.
Encryption of the JEX file is a feature that is really important for me and others, but missing. What's the point to encrypt E2EE when a backup is in plain text? A check mark with "encrypt with same key as notes" would be welcome. If using the CLI or manually encrypt the ZIP file removes the user friendly experience of the application. If I backup my JEX to the cloud, I am very vulnerable.
I know Standard Notes can do backup encryption but the subscription model is a draw back (I give more money monthly to Joplin than the cost of Standard Extended because I like the freedom of setting my own budget; I think it's better and I want it to grow more).
I think it's quite clear - the menu command is called < export all >, the context menu command is called < export >. But there is always room for improvement
@ajay just for info I believe @laurent's comment in July 20 actually resulted in an update in v1.1.1 in September 20. In the update the main menu item that had just said "Export" was replaced by "Export all".