Operating system
Joplin version
Desktop version info
Joplin 3.0.15 (prod, linux)
Client ID: b1eda056ba5b4ff3949d9464b5eab13b
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: No
Revision: 598677b
Backup: 1.4.1
What issue do you have?
Joplin is giving me this error message while attempting backups with the "Backup Plugin". I recently had Joplin database corruption, now repaired. I have had this error many times both before and after the repair. The error message is below. It refers to a directory and file under /joplin-desktop/tmp/. All directories and files under that folder disappear when Joplin is closed. I am concerned the backups will be compromised.
Backup plugin
Backup error for jex: Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/.../joplin-desktop/tmp/b08fbe94bdf4ee93b0281987a3332330/resources'. Path: /.../joplin-desktop/tmp/b08fbe94bdf4ee93b0281987a3332330
Please enable Verbose
debugin in the Plugin via Tools > Options > Backup > Log level
and upload the log, when the error occurs.
The log could be found under ~\.config\joplin-desktop\cache\io.github.jackgruber.backup\
or in the backup destination folder.
I followed your instructions @JackGruber , and I've uploaded/attached the log file with this post. Thanks for your help
activeBackup20240904a.log (4.7 KB)
It looks like the error comes from the Joplin command exportFolders
Can you try exporting all your notebooks via Joplin command to see if the same error occurs there?
Thanks @JackGruber - I disabled the Backup plugin and ran the Export All > JEX command. I got the error shown in this image.
I store my profile and the Joplin application in a Cryptomator vault. At the same time as I noticed the Joplin error, I noticed that Cryptomator had crashed, closing the vault. Clearly a Cryptomator crash would stop Joplin working but I'm not sure whether Joplin might be causing Cryptomator to crash.
I tried again - Export All > JEX
This time Cryptomator kept running and I got a different error message:
Does this also happen without Cryptomator?
I have been using this setup for about 3 years and this problem has only just started. I can't test using Joplin without Cryptomator for several days. Is it worth testing? I now think it's unlikely to be the issue given that the Cryptomator crash appears unrelated to the Jex export process. I will test if that's the best way forward.
Thanks @JackGruber , I tested the Export All to Jex function with the appimage and the profile located OUTSIDE my Cryptomator vault - it ran without error.
When I retested that function with the appimage and the profile located INSIDE my Cryptomator vault, it produced an error again:
I also tested with the appimage OUTSIDE the vault and the profile inside the vault - it produced a similar error.
So it seems the error is related to storing the profile in my Cryptomator vault. However, I am committed to storing my notes with at-rest encryption. I am intrigued that Cryptomator and Joplin interacted happily until recently. I'm guessing that an update in one or the other has disrupted the compatibility. What can be done?
I can also clarify that when I run the Export All to Jex function, it often causes Cryptomator to close or crash, locking the vault in which the Joplin profile is stored.