Possible Bug in Backup-Plugin?

Dear all,

I believe there is a bug somewhere in the Backup-Plug that causes backups to be deleted instead of updated. Just checked the designated folder for Joplin backups and found it completely empty.

My Windows-backup tells me that at 18:38 the folder was empty, the previous backup at 17:49 contained the backup-jex and the profile folder. In the hour between those two backups the Joplin-files have apparently been deleted/removed.

Has anyone else possibly experienced this?


Joplin 2.3.5 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 005a2610d4c449ff86002adfe517ff3e
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 819af3c

The backups are not updated (Add or delete some files), but created each time.

The normal procedure of the plugin to creating a backup is as follows:

  1. Create a backup under a new name
  2. Delete old backup
  3. Move new backup

After a backup run you had no backup?
Did you get a error message?
You can activate the logging, the log file is than stored under ~/.config/joplin-desktop/cache/io.github.jackgruber.backup/backup.log.

Good evenening,

sorry for the late reply; only saw your post just now.

  1. No idea whether there was a backup run just before; I just noticed that there was no longer a backup file.
  2. No, no error message
  3. Thanks for the logging tip; I'll activate that and check the next time this occurs.


PS - just checked the settings; "Error" is set in the logging, directory does not contain a .log-file. In fact, all 3 files are from August (probably from when I installed the plugin).

PPS - on my pc the logfile is created in the same folder as the .jex-backup ...

That is correct, only on error the log is located in the profile.

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