Error message that does not disappear

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 2.14.19 (prod, linux)

Client-ID: f52269dae89743779390f7a0fb70da72
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 46
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Nein

Revision: 971c4e5

Backup: 1.4.0
Combine notes: 1.2.2
Csv Import: 1.0.1
Email Note: 1.2.2
Email Plugin: 1.0.0
Insert Date: 1.0.1
Note Variables: 2.0.0
Save Note as MD: 1.0.2
Templates: 2.4.0

Sync target


What issue do you have?

I get the error message every time I start Joplin
Einige Elemente können nicht synchronisiert werden. Zeige sie jetzt an
(see screenshot).
When I try to resynchronise the files, nothing changes. I created an "Ereignisprotokoll" (CSV) - is it useful? How can I send it to you?

Thanks for Your work and your efforts


I have the same issue. Don't know what to do.

Finally, I "solved" the problem by searching for the problematic record (the internal number of the record is shown).
After finding the record -> delete it and restart Joplin.
Usually, this should work.



(P.S.: I recommend to look if you can restore the content of your record before deleting it!)

For future versions of Joplin, this pull request may be related:

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Thanks a lot! Would be cool.

Ups - sounds difficult. With which tool have you deleted the record? Have you directly modified database.sqlite in JoplinProfile?

No, no, it's not difficult at all!
Just search for the "faulty" entry in Joplin itself and delete it. Unfortunately I didn't take a screenshot, but it's really quite simple. This was a spontaneous idea because I was terribly annoyed by this error message!
Joplin tells you in which entry the error is - that is then your search criterion!
Good luck!


That confuses me. I receive the following error report and all I extract and search from the message will not be found. What would you search for? Thx in advance!

Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact procedure, but here is the important hint in your screenshot:

I was actually able to find the problematic entry (I think with the ID number) and then delete it.

Good luck!


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