It would be nice if one could embed notes (the content of them) inside a “parent” note.
This embedded note might be not editable (view only) but would be one click away via link.
It would help editing notes that are large by having them chunked down to child notes.
Not the OP, but I would like this as a way to embed the entire note. Would be useful when editing and to consolidate a group of notes around a similar topic.
@Rootman@uxamanda Actual contents of the ‘embedded’ note. If it would be too hard to make those editable (i guess it would) then “view only” mode would be sufficient imo.
One could read while scrolling through embedded notes and if he wanted to edit one of them he would just go to it via link and edit there.
Good idea, thanks for posting.
I will do something like this when i will figure out how to get data from plugin to preview (not sure if its possible atm, but talked with Laurent about it).
Basically it would work by inserting code like this:
and markdown preview pane would show all notes that match "searchterm".
It depends. There's inline code and there are code blocks.
Inline code can be started with any number of backticks, with the inline code following, and then the same number of backticks again.
A code block is started by X number of backticks (usually 3), an optional language identifier, followed by a line break.
Then there's comes the code.
And on a new separate line, you have X number of backticks again, followed by a line break.
Search version would be more universal - like combining tags and text queries but it also could have syntax for just tags or just notebooks.
For example:
red and tasty #fruits
I'm still interested in this as of 2024, for Android. I have a short note A that I'd like to be able to see the content of whenever I look at notes B or C.
Basically notes B and C would have somewhere in their body a small iframe showing A's body.