Editor opens on bottom half of screen after tapping search result note item

Operating system


Joplin version


What issue do you have?

Current behavior

After searching, tapping any note list item shows the editor view in the bottom half of the screen. Tapping any other note list item with the half screen editor open switches to a full screen editor with that other note shown inside it.

Expected behavior

Tapping any note list item switches to the editor view with said note shown inside it.

Other notes

This seems like a bug, but I wonder how useful showing a half screen editor for search results would be if subsequent taps loaded notes into the half screen editor. I can see it being useful for viewing multiple notes from the same query, but cumbersome for editing.

Thank you for reporting this!

This is a known issue and should be fixed in the next pre-release.


Mobile: Fixes #11130: Fix regression: Search screen not hidden when cached for search result navigation by personalizedrefrigerator · Pull Request #11131 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub.

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