Editor maximum width issue

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.1.20 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 53b833857c3149ec86cded873d7f23cd
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 8199362

Backup: 1.4.2
Better Code Blocks: 1.1.0
Copy Anchor Link: 1.1.0
MultiMarkdown Table Tools: 1.2.1
Suitcase: 0.3.3

Sync target



Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I updated to the latest joplin today and now the editor maximum width doesn't seem to work like it did before, I am unable to remove the huge margin, at 0, 600, 6000 it still remains too big in my opinion, also the quoted text is now indenting in the opposite direction so it uses part of that margin and to me that doesn't look very nice, if i could color code them, that'd be something else.

I have attached a screenshot of the issue, I have the same issue on three machines, two windows and one macos.


Thank you for reporting this!

I'm attaching a screenshots from before and after to illustrate the difference:

Screenshot comparison

Legacy editor: (CodeMirror 5; General > Advanced > Legacy Markdown editor):

New editor: (CodeMirror 6)

Development notes

  • The 15px left-right margin is on the .cm-content element.
    • This comes from the use of theme.marginLeft in theme.ts.
  • Each .cm-line has an additional 2px left-edge padding.
  1. Re-enable the legacy editor
  2. Add the following custom CSS:
    .CodeMirror .cm-line {
            padding-left: 0;
    .CodeMirror .cm-content {
           margin-left: 0;
           margin-right: 0;

the indentation issue has now been solved by updating to 3.1.22 but there is still an issue where quoted text is not indented, I assume I can do this myself in custom CSS, but this is a bug and should be fixed?

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