Editor font size and non-wrapping mode on both Desktop & Mobile

Yeah, the clou is:

  1. make it possible to use more fonts
  2. make it possible to change font size

or perhaps there could be an option to make the font smaller but not sure if it’s a use case that we want to support

Font size is one of the most obvious parameter to change I'd say. And it seems to be low effort (but maybe I'm missing some obstacles). I don't even mention an option to create custom userstyle.css to edit Viewer style, because I can imagine it can be more problematic, but that one - just why not?

On mobile the screen is much smaller so of course a table you layout on desktop won’t really work as the lines will wrap. Maybe if you put your phone in landscape

Landscape mode is not a real alternative. But when I think about it now - I think the good idea would be an optional non-wrapping mode, when you can scroll Editor horizontally. That one could be also an option in Desktop app - I would give up my kingdom for such an option when creating tables, because I work all the time in Split mode and wrapping tables are very, very annoying. Tbh I don't use tables anymore only because of the mess caused by wrapping and I started to think about some commercial tools like Standard Notes very seriously only because of that issue (but I really don't want to do that - I really, really love Joplin).

With these 3 options I think we would handle all potential workflows on all devices:

  1. using proper font on each device
  2. using proper font size of the same font on each device
  3. using preferred mode: wrapping or non-wrapping