Set up Joplin on a new PC running Win11. Everything went fine, at first. Joplin synced with Dropbox and all is well.
However, to facilitate some backups and to get out of the persistent OneDrive nagging, I moved my Dropbox folder out of the User location to another folder directly on the C drive that contains all my working files that are automatically backed up.
Dropbox was fine with the move, but it seems the Joplin target folder cannot be moved. It keeps looking at the old (non-existent) folder and I cannot figure out how to get it to look at the new folder.
Error (409): {"error_summary": "path/not_found/...", "error": {".tag": "path", "path": {".tag": "not_found"}}}
I uninstalled and reinstalled Joplin and went through the Dropbox Wizard again, but no change. I thought reinstalling Joplin and connecting it to Dropbox again would direct Joplin to the new Dropbox file location, but it didn't.
I then copied the Dropbox folder (It's not very big) and put it in the default User/Documents folder and tried to sync again. Nothing.
Then, as a last resort, I uninstalled Joplin and Dropbox desktop and did a complete reinstall with Dropbox first and then Joplin. Exact.same.thing.
I then tried using the advanced option of a local file storage. Nope.
Then I uninstalled and reinstalled Joplin, but when I opened the newly installed version I found that it had defaulted to the same setting in the version I had deleted!
Then I uploaded the Joplin folder from my Dropbox account to OneDrive, uninstalled and reinstalled Joplin, and used the sync wizard to OneDrive. SAME ERROR.
I've also seen forum posts of folks who have had problems converting from using Dropbox/OneDrive to Joplin Cloud. I wonder if this all part of a bug in which Joplin gets locked into the first sync path upon INITIAL installation and cannot be redirected.
Fortunately, I still have Joplin running on another old laptop and I've used that to make all possible backups of my data, but this is FRUSTRATING.
Is there any way to tell the app where to look for the files?