Hi, I run Joplin on my PC as well as Android Tablet and phone.
It's a really great app, but autosync confuses me.
I set this up to be done every 5min and I expect to have a change synced within this time.
However, sync doesn't start automatically. I checked the Android app now every couple of minutes and it took 25min to have a sync done on it's own.
Background sync doesn't work on Android. It will likely only work as expected if you leave the application open in foreground. Please keep in mind that local changes are still pushed to your sync target after a few seconds (regardless of what the sync interval is set to).
Hi, thanks for you fast response.
So this means the auto-sync doesn't do anything at all, but there's a "silent sync" into Dropbox, which is not visualized?
I am curious why the auto-sync kind of worked after ~25-30mins?
Maybe this was after wake up, just like the app was started?
This means that if you change something in a note inside the Android application, then it will push those changes to the sync target automatically after a short delay. However, when it comes to pulling remote changes from the sync target, the sync interval is responsible for that, and those changes won't be pulled when the application is in background.
It could be, as the application normally does always perform a full sync when you launch it from scratch.
Thanks for clarification.
However, everytime I am working a little bit closer (from a timely perspective) on more than one device, without manual syncing every change manually, I get duplicated entries and/or conflicts pretty often.
Beside Dropbox there are many other cloud services which could be used.
Are some of them more stable convenient in terms of syncing accross devices?
I assume your own one should, are there beside this other 3rd party ones which rune more smoothly?