Document working hours

I would like to use Joplin to document my working hours.

At the moment I use the timestamp function in Joplin (which is currently not working due to a BUG) to document my stamp times at work.
This is relatively cumbersome as this function is in a submenu.

It would be nice if there was an easier way to do this.

Good idea for a plugin. I considered making one myself at some point, but for now I'm fine with using an external program for this.

There is already this time tracking plugin that you might want to check out (it syncs with TimeTagger).

BTW, the insert time command also works with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+T).

Thank you for the recommentation of the plugin! I will have al look at it.

For the sake of completeness:
I forgot to mention, that i need a solution for my Android device.

The use case is to clock in on the official time clock and clock in on the Android phone as close in time as possible to record the same times.

Maybe try this new time tracking plugin, it works on Android.