Do Not Allow Premium Usage in Joplin: Stay Amateur, Not Professional

@whitewall @LeoW

I used to think the same way initially. I've been using Joplin since October. However, a few days ago when I tried to delete and reinstall the Joplin application on my phone, I noticed an issue.

It's unfair that free users have to deal with days of synchronization while paid users can handle it in a few seconds or minutes.

It's not a coincidence that someone from outside managed to fork the Joplin application to work in the background, while our developer Laurent hasn't done this in 5 years.

Anyone who can see the truth will notice that the developer is subtly directing users to Joplin Cloud and presenting it as a premium feature. If we, as users, allow this and don't speak up, those who use Joplin Cloud will have other privileges in addition to synchronization.

Of course, many apps like Evernote, Simplenote, Notesnook are following this path. Considering that Joplin is also a company, we can understand its desire to make money.

However, Joplin had a privileged position among note-taking apps by prioritizing free use. Losing this and transitioning to a premium system would be a major drawback for us users. Please let's prevent this.

What we want is simple. To be able to synchronize with the same quality and speed as a user with Joplin Cloud. If someone is buying Joplin Cloud, they should do it only because they trust Joplin and want to support it, not for speed!

Thank you...