Details about collaboration on notes

I'm new to Joplin and try to figure out what sync option I'll use.
I did not find answers about 2 points

  • If I opt to nextcloud or filesystem (that would be a filesystem mounted on my collaborators box) does it support collaboration (the linux app only shows the difference for joplincloud, dropbox and ondrive but when you select others there is no more information) ?

  • if I buy a jplincloud PRO, can I share notes with s.o. having a free account or a basic one ?


This doesn't allow for collaboration. In this case, there would only be one profile, shared between all users. Everyone would have access to all notes. Everyone could edit all notes. There could be a few surprises during synchronization.

Sharing in the sense of "giving a url to make the note visible" yes, but if sharing in the sense of "integrating into another user's joplin notebook" and/or "so that they can intervene on it", no.

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