Deploy Joplin in Windows


sorry for noob question, I couldn't find the answer to my situation.

I would like to write a deployment script to silently install Joplin to those our domain users that would like to use Joplin.

I found that I can install silently using
Joplin-Setup-2.4.9.exe" /allusers /S

But how to import same settings for users?
Settings like sync location...

Windows10 64x
Joplin 2.4.9 (prod, win32)
Revision: bb44c4e


I think that would be part of your deployment process? Perhaps you could have a script that setup the relevant files in ~/.config/joplin-desktop. Now that we move many settings to settings.json it should be relatively easy to do so. See the settings.json schema at

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Thanks for the schema link!
I see..
Under windows is same folder undeer %userprofile%\.config\joplin-desktop
Having a login script is not optimal for speed... I was hoping that there is some switch to inject settings in installer or that placing default settings file in example C:\Program Files\Joplin so there would be no need to edit user space if all users(existing and new) on same machine use same default settings.

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