Deleted notes are not deleted on all devices

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info


Sync target

Joplin Server

What issue do you have?

I am new to Joplin this is maybe a user error.
Sycing between iPhone 12 (iOS 17.5.1), Windows 10 and Windows 11.
When I delete a note on one device, it is not deleted on the other devices. It is not in the trash - it is just as if I never deleted it.

Example Workflow:

  • Delete note on iPhone - Press "Sync"
  • Open Windows App - Press "Sync"
    Expectation: The note should be in trash in the Windows app - but it is not.

DonĀ“t get me wrong here, the real content of the notes is syncing fine, but it is just irritating, that I have another state of deleted notes on every device.

I just found this issue on github: 10689 (I am not allowed to post links).

So it seems to be a problem with an outdated docker image. Am I able to update the server in the docker container by myself or do it just have to wait until the new version is released?


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