When having set File download to manual it would be useful to have the option to clean local resources folder.
Manual deletion of file leads to an error because Joplin does not look for the file on the sync host once a file has been downloaded.
Maybe an option in the sync options would be useful ("delete local files after synchronisation").
As mentioned in the linked thread it does seem logical that if someone has needed to set the attachment download behaviour to manual to save space, they may wish to reclaim that space if, over time, they have selected many attachments for download. Furthermore if they have selected E2EE it more than doubles the space taken by the resources / attachments.
Apologies for "bouncing" this but I feel that @netfrettchen has raised a valid point here. If you can currently minimise downloading attachments / resources to save space (especially mobile) should you not be able to reclaim that space if ages ago you have downloaded several attachments that you no longer need. Not saying it's an urgent requirement but just wondering if @laurent would consider adding this to the roadmap for a future version.
Would you please explain why going to the "attachment" pane (menu > tools > Note attachments), and deleting hte attachment(s) isn't enough ? Or does this delete the remote and the local copy at the same time ?