Copy joplin-desktop folder to sync two machine (same profile/user) with a large amount of notes?

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

Joplin Cloud

What issue do you have?

I have a question. I have a profile that contains ~30 GB of data on a MacOS version of Joplin desktop (Intel Mac) that I am currently uploading as a user on Joplin Cloud (Teams plan). If I want to access the same profile/user on a second machine that is also under MacOS (but an ARM-based Mac), can I just copy the joplin-desktop profile folder from one computer to the other, and launch a sync on the second computer, or do I absolutely need to sync the second machine via the Joplin Cloud server?


Yes you can do this, just copying the profile should be fine.

Edit: The only minor issue is that the client ID will now be shared with two different computers. This is not a huge issue is as the client ID is purely for information at the moment - it shows up for example in bug reports to tell which client did which operation. But still something to keep in mind as it could make such reports confusing.

If necessary you can open the profile database, and change the clientId setting to something else.


I thought an export on pc1 and an import on pc2 should be the better option. doesn't it?

Only when you are not use a sync!
Because the import generates new IDs and the you have every note after the sync duplicated on the devices!


Hmm... that's true.
Does Backup have the same behavior? If I made a Backup on PC1 and then will restore from the Backup on pc2 ? ids will be replaced too?

Yes, also the Import from a JEX, RAW or MD backup creates new note IDs.

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