Hello, some lines of my notes have specific colors and format. When I copy this part of note to other plain text editor, such as BBEdit, the copied text have extra format characters.
For example my notes have "Alaska" in red color, when I copy this line to BBEdit, it shows Alaska. How to get rid of those ** automatically when copying text?
It is probably not a feature of Joplin, but other tools may help you too. For example, if you are using windows, Advanced-Paste in PowerToys is suitable for you. You can paste as plain text by pressing ctrl+shift+v anywhere.
Another way is to develop a plugin by yourself, like:
function markdownToPlainText(markdown) {
let plainText = markdown.replace(/(^|\n)(#+)\s+/g, '$1');
plainText = plainText.replace(/(\*\*|__)(.*?)\1/g, '$2');
plainText = plainText.replace(/(\*|_)(.*?)\1/g, '$2');
plainText = plainText.replace(/`(.*?)`/g, '$1');
plainText = plainText.replace(/^[\*\+\-]\s+/gm, '');
plainText = plainText.replace(/\n{2,}/g, '\n');
plainText = plainText.trim();
return plainText;
And add a button on editor tool bar, keyboard shortcut, or right menu.
Then you can select text, and run this plugin to copy plain text.