Its a pretty useful feature of onenote - all you have to is copy something to clipboard from a website and paste it into your note and it will give you a little footer showing exactly where that snippet was taken from. It isn't a feature of the onenote webclipper which works in much the same way as Joplin - i.e. select from website and create a new note from it - instead it is using the SourceURL embedded in the clipboard data to paste a link below the text - it is set with the following option:
Raw clipboard data:
<!--StartFragment--><div role="heading" aria-level="2" class="topic-meta-data" style="display: flex; ......same website but It is not useful when you need to keep several notes from different website in the Note.</p></div></div><!--EndFragment-->
Which allows you to post multiple "sources" into the same note.
So if this functionality was to be inluded I'm gessing it would need to be one of the below:
- Joplin emulates this practice by reading the SourceURL from the clipboard data and embeds it below the pasted text as an option
- Joplin WebClipper has a new option to insert data into an existing note from selection (or currently selected note)
- Joplin WebClipper has a new option to copy clipped data to the clipboard as markdown with an inclusion of this source URL tag with it