Code view button

To remove the WYSIWYG button in the newer versions of Joplin use:

 div.editor-toolbar div button {
	/* removes the WYSIWYG button */
	 display: none !important;

The Development Tools built into Joplin let you examine the CSS elements and classes used. Use the "pointer tool" to "probe" whatever you want to change looking for a suitable selector. They are not always easy to find. This page on creating selectors is also useful.

By the way, when trying to tweak parts of Joplin you may find a class that seems to control the bit you want to change but it has a weird random-looking name. Resist the temptation to use these as they are machine generated and will most likely change when a new version is built. That is why the above css uses div and button to select the WYSIWYG button and not a class (.tox-tbtn) which may not be permanent.

The "Joplin Customisation" wiki page has several v1.2.x examples.

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