it is not a real support request, but I couldn't find a better category in the forum (sorry).
My question is related to Joplin Cloud's Basic plan. Description says "10 MB per note or attachment". But what does it mean exactly?
Does size of attachment(s) count towards this 10MB limit (including the note's markdown itself), or this means that note can have many attachments, but none of them can be bigger than 10MB (as well as a note's markdown cannot be bigger than 10MB)? I assume that of course the total cap of 2GB applies anyway.
I'm merely taking an educated guess because I don't subscribe to the service.
My understanding is that a note when you combine the actual contents of the note and all attachments to that note you can't have more than ten megabytes.
With Joplin's 2 GB plan, each note or attachment has a 10 MB limit.
This means you can't add two 5 MB attachments to a single note, as the combined size would exceed the 10 MB limit per note.
You'd need to split the content across multiple notes to stay within the limit.
Can someone with an actual account confirm this please?
Answering my own question (I decided to give Joplin Cloud a try): it looks that the 10MB is on single attachment (file). One can have many attachments referenced in the single note, even if in summary they exceed 10MB.