Changing sync targets made easy

In the help section on it says "it is also simple to switch from one service to another." This may be true from a technical point of view, but I think there are many users who could profit from more detailed instructions.

If you search for "change" and "target" on the forum, you'll find a wide range of suggestions such as "simply specify new target and press sync", "re-upload local data to new target on your first client, delete local data on your other clients and re-sync", "delete your local profile folder and re-install Joplin".

This is confusing and can even discourage new users who took their first steps with popular clouds such as Dropbox or OneDrive and want to transfer their data to Joplin Cloud because of performance issues.

I think we should make the migration to Joplin Cloud as easy as possible - maybe someone reading this can provide a fail-safe (pun intended;) step-by-step instruction?

Joplin 2.12.15 (prod, win32)

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