Can't synchronize with OneDrive

Recently, there have been times when I cannot synchronize with OneDrive, and when I try to synchronize again at that time, the following error message appears with a message that the authentication token cannot be obtained, making it difficult to synchronize settings. I am having trouble because I cannot synchronize settings easily (sometimes I can synchronize settings if I restart my PC)

request to httpx(changed "s" to "x"):// failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED 2603:1047:1:a0::15:443

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Windows 11 Version 23H2
Joplin 2.12.19

Please be more specific:

  • is it correct that you could - in the past - sync with Onedrive without problem ?
  • than - without a change in your settings - the problem occurred ?
  • is it correct that your windows device does still have a complete profile and all your notes are there and can be opened, viewed and edited ?

is it correct that you could - in the past - sync with Onedrive without problem ?

than - without a change in your settings - the problem occurred ?

is it correct that your windows device does still have a complete profile and all your notes are there and can be opened, viewed and edited ?

In this case I would not wait for a custom error analysis to solve the problem. Login to your dropbox account (web interface), delete the Joplin folder, go back to Joplin while offline, create a backup, go online and sync. DO NOT use the "re-upload local data" setting / feature built into Joplin.


Now I have a similar problem.
I can't login to my dropbox for joplin.
I received same message as follows.

request to httpx:// failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED 2620:100:6030:19::a27d:5013:443

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