Can I see subnotebooks in Joplin?

In Evernote, the concept is Notebook Stack > Notebook > Notes.

As an example, I have a Notebook Stack called "1 LinkedIn", with 6 Notebooks under it:

LinkedIn - Article Ideas
LinkedIn - Articles by People I Know
LinkedIn - B2B Sales Group
LinkedIn - How To
LinkedIn - Suggestions

When I imported the ENEX file for "1 LinkedIn", I couldn't find anything in the View menu on how to see the different Sub-Notebooks in Joplin.

Is there any way to view the Sub-Notebooks?



If a notebook has sub-notebooks "folded" underneath it there will be an arrowhead to the left of the notebook name. Clicking on this will cause the sub-notebooks to "unfold".


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Thanks @dpoulton. Looks like the import from an Evernote ENEX file doesn't create sub-notebooks in Joplin!

Here is my 1 LinkedIn Stack in Evernote:


It looks like the Evernote Notebooks don't create sub-notebooks in Joplin:


That's a pain: I only have 6 notebooks under 1 LinkedIn. Some of my other Evernote stacks have a couple of dozen!


PS I had to split into two as I can only have one image as a new user...

When I switched to Joplin, Evernote wasn't able to save a sub-notebook tree in an .enex file. So it was necessary to export each notebook one by one from Evernote.


You appear to have all the notes from the sub-notebooks. Has the importer just lost the sub-notebook titles or have they become something else like a tag?

@Dino when did you switch over?

Thanks @dpoulton. I checked: and no additional tags were created during the import. So it looks like the Evernote Notebook Stack becomes a Joplin Notebook with all notes and no sub-notebooks when the ENEX file is imported.

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I stopped using Evernote some years, and then in 2020 I tried Joplin a second time some months and then 1 years after I deleted my Evernote account.

I've been looking for an Evernote replacement ever since I made more than a dozen suggestions in the Evernote beta more than 3 years ago ... and none of them were taken up! Most of them were to add back features they removed...

Evernote 10 drives me up the wall: there are features I use every day (like creating a note from Outlook) that they didn't put in. As an Evernote Premium client since 2008, why should I pay for an app that removed features I used every day!

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