Can I link between notes?

I thought I would add an option that I find useful here.

Since I am importing from evernote, I have plenty of broken link looking like:

 [Some Title](evernote:///view/1234567/some_guids)

This is also valid out of the Evenote context if you want to lazily create a link to the note(s) titled Some Title.

You may (ab)use the great "Embed Search":

"Some Title"

The plugin allows much more and doing a search to find (what you assume leads to...) one single note is overkill but it works and this is rather convenient.

Unlike the direct link to a note however, it will break if you rename the target note whereas the direct link, that uses the guid, will still work.

The cool think with Joplin is that users have several options and can decide... this is refreshing coming from Evernote :slight_smile: