Bug report: note not syncing

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.11 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 535a556699144fa590a7d99171622c2e
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 2fba101

Freehand Drawing: 2.14.0

Sync target


What issue do you have?

I edited 1 note on an Android device, and synced
Now, looking on Windows, the note is empty - no text, no attachments. Synched several times - no effect


I replicated the problem:

  1. Create note on desktop; sync
  2. go to android; sync; add attachment to the new note, sync
  3. Back to the desktop, sync -> this the attached picture with no way out of it. Can't see text either.

With this set to Manual -> I get this problem.
It's a bug, it should not affect text being downloded, only the attachment. As it is, there's nothing to click on because the text and icon is not there

I could reproduce the behaviour using provided steps,

Thanks for reporting

I wanna add few details


Operating system

Ubuntu 24.04
Android 13

Joplin version

3.2.11 desktop
3.2.7 mobile

Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.11 (prod, linux)

Client ID: 169b6340643343e29989371d139b9ebe
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 47
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 2fba101

Backup: 1.4.2
CodeMirror 6 snippets: 0.0.8
Extra Markdown editor settings: 1.9.0
Freehand Drawing: 2.14.0
Joplin Batch: 0.2.2
Note Link System: 0.8.0
Note list (Preview): 1.1.0
Quick Links: 1.3.2
Rich Markdown: 0.15.1

Sync target


What issue do you have?

Manual download mode doesn't download attachments on desktop CodeMirror editor when clicked on and locks up RTE from editing the note body


  • Error message (Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to Code View to edit the note. Status: notDownloaded) shown only in RTE (TinyMCE) editor
  • When this error message is displayed, RTE editor locks up -- does not allow any editing of note body. Note title remains to be editable
  • When this error message is displayed toolbar becomes inactive (greyed out) restricting ability to switch editor back to Markdown one (CodeMirror) - despite what error message says


  • It's possible to switch from RTE editor by going to non-locked note, switching to CodeMirror and going back to the locked note
  • Alternatively user can switch editor to CodeMirror with Command Pallete ToggleEditors
  • Markdown editor shows link to the attachment as expected, clicking on the link displays the warning

What's expected


  • Display link to non downloaded attachment in RTE editor
  • Do not lock up RTE editor with error message i.e. allow edits and use of toolbar even if attachment is not downloaded
  • Display error in a way that doesn't lock up RTE editor from edits (pop-up, toast, etc)
  • Error message to display "This attachment is not downloaded yet"
  • Ask user to wait for download completion only if attachment downloading has started


  • In Manual Attachment download mode, start downloading attachment when user (ctrl+)clicks on attachment link


  • Display status of downloading for attachments (completed/in process/non downloaded)


Opening note in RTE with non-downloaded attachment produces following logs:

useMessageHandler.ts:31 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete null
useMessageHandler.ts:31 Got ipc-message: noteRenderComplete null

Opening the note in CodeMirror and opening the attachment produces no log entries

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