I edited 1 note on an Android device, and synced
Now, looking on Windows, the note is empty - no text, no attachments. Synched several times - no effect
With this set to Manual -> I get this problem.
It's a bug, it should not affect text being downloded, only the attachment. As it is, there's nothing to click on because the text and icon is not there
Manual download mode doesn't download attachments on desktop CodeMirror editor when clicked on and locks up RTE from editing the note body
Error message (Please wait for all attachments to be downloaded and decrypted. You may also switch to Code View to edit the note. Status: notDownloaded) shown only in RTE (TinyMCE) editor
When this error message is displayed, RTE editor locks up -- does not allow any editing of note body. Note title remains to be editable
When this error message is displayed toolbar becomes inactive (greyed out) restricting ability to switch editor back to Markdown one (CodeMirror) - despite what error message says
It's possible to switch from RTE editor by going to non-locked note, switching to CodeMirror and going back to the locked note
Alternatively user can switch editor to CodeMirror with Command Pallete ToggleEditors
Markdown editor shows link to the attachment as expected, clicking on the link displays the warning