Backup Plugin

Great. Done. It was already set to "error" but I don't see the log file. But I will check next time I get an error.


Does this plugin works in a background? How does it handle changes in notes in a time JEX file is creating?

The reason for this question is the time it takes for me to create a backup manually (5-10 minutes), when I have "Backup screen" over my notes and can't work. Will it be the same behaviour with that plugin? Or does it allow to work with Joplin while creating a backup? Thanks for your reply!


The version that exists at the time of exporting this is exported.
Assuming the export is running and you change a note that has not yet been exported into the jex at this moment, than it will be exported with the changed content.

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A question that's possibly already been dealt with: backup works fine, but what must I do to restore the data. Just import the jex-file with the notebooks? Then what is the saved profile-folder for?

Joplin 2.1.9 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 005a2610d4c449ff86002adfe517ff3e
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 882d66383

Yes, all you need to do is import the jex file(s). It's meant for those moments when the user folder is no longer available after reinstalling your computer, becoming corrupt, etc.

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A short info how the restore works is in the README section restore

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OK! So it just happened right now. As requested, here is the log file

[2021-07-30 18:54:37.599] [info] Backup started
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.603] [verbose] loadSettings
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.603] [verbose] loadBackupPath
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.618] [verbose] Plugin settings:
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.619] [verbose] path: 
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.621] [verbose] singleJex: true
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.623] [verbose] backupRetention: 21
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.624] [verbose] backupInterval: 24
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.626] [verbose] onlyOnChange: false
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.630] [verbose] usePassword: false
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.634] [verbose] lastBackup: 1627555224593
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.638] [verbose] fileLogLevel: verbose
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.643] [verbose] zipArchive: no
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.645] [verbose] compressionLevel: 0
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.646] [verbose] exportPath: 
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.649] [verbose] backupSetName: {YYYYMMDDHHmm}
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.651] [verbose] backupInfo: [{"name":"202107291610","date":1627555224593},{"name":"202107281606","date":1627468556846},{"name":"202107271605","date":1627382108438},{"name":"202107261602","date":1627295496463},{"name":"202107251601","date":1627209092679},{"name":"202107241558","date":1627122532297},{"name":"202107231554","date":1627035852624},{"name":"202107211111","date":1626846103748},{"name":"202107201111","date":1626759655756},{"name":"202107181758","date":1626611289997},{"name":"202107171754","date":1626524694373},{"name":"202107151211","date":1626331249508},{"name":"202107141024","date":1626238439726},{"name":"202107131021","date":1626151862363},{"name":"202107121018","date":1626065290066},{"name":"202107110927","date":1625975847517},{"name":"202107100920","date":1625889000000},{"name":"202107081903","date":1625751180000},{"name":"202107071737","date":1625659620000},{"name":"202107061736","date":1625573160000},{"name":"202107051716","date":1625485560000}]
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.651] [verbose] activeBackupPath: null
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.652] [verbose] backupBasePath: null
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.652] [verbose] logFile: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\.config\joplin-desktop\cache\io.github.jackgruber.backup\activeBackup.log
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.652] [verbose] showDoneMsg: false
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.654] [verbose] installationDir: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\.config\joplin-desktop\cache\io.github.jackgruber.backup
[2021-07-30 18:54:37.655] [error] Please configure backup path in Joplin Tools > Options > Backup

Yesterday's backup worked ok.

This is the message that popped up when I started Joplin:

The backup plugin is v1.0.2

And this is what the settings page looks like:

I'm using Joplin 2.1.9 (prod, win32)

I honestly can't think of anything I have done that would cause this. The folder that backups are saved in hasn't changed on the drive. There are 21 folders with backups. It looks like the last time this happened was 7 days ago. Please let me know if you need more information.

It is interesting that only the path field is empty and the others are not...
Since I do not write any values into the field from the plugin, the error must be outside the plugin.

  • What if you close Joplin and start it again, is there a path in the settings again?
  • Do you have any scripts/programs running that directly access the SQLite DB?
  • Can you open the SQLite database e.g. with SQLiteDatabaseBrowser and execute the following SQL query SELECT value FROM settings WHERE key = 'plugin-io.github.jackgruber.backup.path' and post the result when the error occurs? (But be careful, with the program you can also delete data if you do not know what you are doing)

No. And while I have it open that message keeps popping up (I haven't put in the path yet)

No, I'm a really vanilla Joplin user. I use the web clipper (infrequently) but that's about it.

I'd really rather not try that. I definitely don't know what I'm doing.

It's not a huge deal. I'll keep paying attention to when it happens. Just now when I opened Joplin, my favorites disappeared, so perhaps I have something else going on. Thanks!!

Thats fine.

Can you create a flags.txt with the following content --debug --log-level debug in your joplin profile folder %USERPROFILE%\.config\joplin-desktop.
Maybe we will see something in the log.txt of Joplin after the problem occurs again.

One more question regarding the scheduling:
I used the default (backup every 24h) and created a first backup manually. Now the first 24h have passed and the jex-file created yesterday is gone. Any suggestions what could have caused this?

Joplin 2.1.9 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 005a2610d4c449ff86002adfe517ff3e
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: 882d66383

Did you set the number of backups you want to keep? I believe that if you leave that to the default setting, it will keep only the current one. I set mine to five and it only deleted the oldest version, not all of them.

I had that set to 1. I'll change the backup interval to "1" and see what happens ...

This is the setting I meant:

Not sure if that's what you meant, but set that to 2 or higher if you want to keep multiple backups.

No, I do not need multiple Backups; 1 backup would suffice; but somehow the one I created 28 hours ago has disappeared. I have now created a new backup manually and am watching it to see if it gets updated or disappears again.

Joplin 2.2.7 (prod, win32)
Sync Version: 2
Profile Version: 39
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: 6d1a2e2

Win 10 Pro 21H1
KDE Neon 5.22.4

Upgraded to 2.2.7 today on both Windows and Linux. I noticed that the auto backup appears not to complete. This could have occurred with the 2.2.6 upgrade I undertook yesterday and I just never noticed.

A folder named joplin_active_backup_job is created on both Windows and Linux and contains the profile data but there is no JEX.


Same occurs if I stop Joplin, delete the joplin_active_backup_job folder and use Tools > Create backup.


Just tested 2.2.6 on Windows and it too fails to complete. The plugin does work if I revert back to 2.1.9

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Same issue for me started 2.2.6 and still same in 2.2.7


I try to release todoay a new version with a fix.


v1.0.3 (2021-08-11)

  • Fix: #19 Backups failed from Joplin version v2.2.5 and higher, due to the removed template function

@JackGruber Thank you all working again.
