Auto save every second like Microsoft Sticky Notes

I tuned it off

I turned it off

Sticky Notes and Google Keep won't take up that much because it syncs only markdown text and it doesn't sync version history which I turned off

Sticky Notes and Google Keep won't do that because it syncs only markdown text and it doesn't sync version history which I turned off

Sticky Notes and Google Keep won't take up that much because it syncs only markdown text and it doesn't sync version history which I turned off

Sticky Notes and Google Keep won't take up that much because it syncs only markdown text and it doesn't sync version history which I turned off

  1. I turned it off
  2. Sticky notes and Google Keep wont take up that much so same applies for Joplin now because I am syncing only the text

Only text without version history wont take up that much when syncing only text like Sticky Notes

Now I'm not asking for Joplin to bring sync every second by default. I just need the option to turn it on because I need it.

There is no option for ever second sync!
And I think also this option will not be implemented.

Yes thats why I requested for it

But why?

Develop it, create a PR and justify it then. I don't think this option is of a particularly high priority amongst the userbase.

:man_shrugging: Im not an app developer

Unless somebody else wants to do it then I suspect you are out of luck. It doesn't seem like this feature request has gained a lot of support to warrant development so far.

@ShobanChiddarth : thank you for taking time to think about the implications and answer with ideas for a solution.

So you want an instant save of the note after a change, no sync, no version history. This is comparable to the feature other apps have where they save when you switch to another app (on android) or minimize the window or regularily. This sounds like an implementable feature request.

Now it needs to gain demand by the community to get higher priorization compared against all other open tickets. The first reaction here in the thread was that only a small minority of users need this.


Ohh, thanks

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