Any suggestions on what plugins could be created?

This has been discussed and as I recall, @laurent said he's open to a PR for such a note list feature. Someone was working on this at one point but had to shelve it due to lack of time. My guess is Joplin will eventually have this, perhaps as a plugin.

If lack of a note list showing attributes is the only thing stopping you from moving from EN to Joplin, perhaps there are workarounds. I assume you're familiar with the View > Sort notes by menu option?

If you're only changing the note list view (from the common setting most users use of sort by last updated, reverse sort) for note maintenance, perhaps the menu option is sufficient.

The attributes for a note can be accessed by clicking on the little circled 'i' top right of note.

Another potential workaround is @JackGruber's Note Overview plugin. I use this if I want to clean up notes with large attachments I no longer need. You could use this plugin for other note maintenance tasks.