Android : Issue with Sync by File system

Hi all,

I have a issue with Sync by File system on Android .

Since the issue with WebDAV with HTTP, I try to find a workaround … but no success.
I see file with Folder Sync : in /storage/emulated/0/Joplin/

And I don’t see name of folder in logs, and Joplin don’t see the file …



Same in french : .

These issues often are due to files with invalid timestamps. How does the timestamps look on Android? Are they correct? They should be the time when the note was last updated.

No the date is correct. I fix the issue with remove/install of Joplin. Thanks.
But If it’s possible, please put the path of folder in logs.


Hi, I’m looking for a way to sync my notes with filesystem an then to my cloud (Mega). How do you sync your filesystem with your cloud?